Monday, August 31, 2009

The Power of Small Talk

How adept are you at small talk and social introductions? May of us, including myself, are not.  Sometimes, the simplest of "small talk" can change the course of other's lives. We never know how we impact another.  Find out how "small talk" saved a lady's life: (and prompted me to become more of a "people person" instead of introverted.)

How did "Small Talk" begin?  Perhaps this is how:


1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty good at "small talk," a vital job skill. I never realized how much it could make a difference until one day I was talking with a prof down in our studio lounge who was taping his first video classroom series. He was very nervous about the prompter, and I was just chatting with him, to put him at ease. Maybe ten years later I ran into him at a funeral of the guy who directed the series, and he introduced me to his wife and said, "This woman made me feel like I could do anything and not to be nervous." And he explained to me (baffled as I was) how that encounter made a difference for him. I never knew. A small thing -- but oh, some of the big things that happen and we never know. It's why I believe we have angels on earth.


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