Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Break!

Spring break is nearly here! At 5:00 pm today, I will be off for a week and enjoying being a wife.
There is spring cleaning on the calendar and even cooking. It will be a laid back, fun week and I'll even try to sleep in!

We had a little freezing drizzle overnight, which will hurt the fruit trees. A little more snow is expected and this could be the biggest winter event of the whole season. However, next week will be back up in the 70's--just in time to clean the garage!



  1. Enjoy your time off :)
    Our spring break is still another week away!

  2. Lucky you. I tried, but I guess they wanted everybody there this time. Oh, well. You enjoy your time off. I'll get mine on Thursday. :)

  3. Spring Break is also starting over here...I'm hoping to get away for a few days so let's hope if it works out:-) Enjoy your time off, you deserve it!! xoxo

  4. Please come and clean out MY garage! Oh, I forgot, I don't have one any longer. What I have is 3 storage units that don't seem to have a dent made in them ... no matter how many boxes we have unpacked.

    Miss you, and I hope to catch up soon. Hugs to you and Dale.

    Love, Loretta

  5. Have a great week. Enjoy every moment with your Prince
    Love Jeanne

  6. Spring break just sounds so wonderful...Winter was so long. Good days ahead.
    Hope you enjoy your time off.
    Take care.


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